Pastor Ed C. Jones, III


Ministerial Experience

2015-2017      Jones Memorial UMC, Associate Pastor

2005-2015      Living Water UMC, Founding Pastor

1999-2004      First Methodist Houston, Associate Pastor

1997-1999      Covenant Glen UMC, Associate Pastor

1997-1997      Belvedere UMC, Pastor

1995-1997      Longview UMC, Associate Pastor

1994-1995      Saint James Paseo, Student Ministry


DMIN course work, Asbury Seminary, Wilmore, KY 2004-05

Master of Divinity: Black Church Specialization, Saint Paul School of Theology, Kansas City, MO, January 1997

Bachelor of Arts, Ottawa University, Ottawa, KS, May 1995

My Family

Married, Sylvia Molo June 8, 1991

Sylvia Molo Jones, BS-Biology, PVAMU, ’88;  DDS, UMKC, ‘96

Tiffany M. Jones, PharmD, Xavier University

Asha A. Jones, Junior, Spelman College, Honors

Alia J. Jones, Junior, University of North Texas, Dean's List


6 things most people know about me:

  1. I married my high school sweetheart.
  2. I am a Dallas Cowboy fan.
  3. I am a saltwater fisherman.
  4. My favorite colors are black and gold.
  5. My favorite scripture John 7:37-38.
  6. My favorite fast food is Frenchy’s.

6 things most people do not know about me:

  1. I was a firefighter for ten years.
  2. I served in the United States Air Force.
  3. I was a DJ.
  4. My favorite Gospel song: Jesus is Love, Commodores.
  5. My favorite band is Frankie Beverly & Maze
  6. I have a comic book collection.

Memberships & Organizations

  • General & Jurisdictional Conference Delegate, 2016-2020
  • Black Methodist for Church Renewal, Houston Chapter
  • President 2001, Vice President 2013-2016
  • Executive Committee 2016-Current
  • Board of Ordained Ministry, 2000-2008
  • Foundation of Evangelism, Fitzgerald Pastor, 2005
  • World Methodism, Order of the Flame, 2005
  • North District Committee of Ordained Ministry, 1999-2004
  • Beeson Institute for Advance Church Leadership, 2003
  • Birkman International Certified Consultant 1999-present
  • Prepare/Enrich Certified Facilitator 1998-present
  • Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Beta Lambda Chapter, Spring 1996